black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Únete al Club de Baloncesto Halcones

Entrenamientos Semanales

Mejora tus habilidades con nuestros entrenadores expertos.

Participa en torneos locales y nacionales emocionantes.

Conoce a otros apasionados del baloncesto.

Eventos Especiales
Noticias y Actualizaciones

Sobre Nosotros

Bienvenidos al Club de Baloncesto Halcones, donde los deportistas pueden inscribirse y disfrutar de la pasión por el baloncesto.

An indoor sports hall with a basketball hoop and court markings. The court has a polished wooden floor with red and white lines. The ceiling is high with metal beams, and the walls have large windows covered by dark curtains. A basketball is visible in mid-air near the hoop.
An indoor sports hall with a basketball hoop and court markings. The court has a polished wooden floor with red and white lines. The ceiling is high with metal beams, and the walls have large windows covered by dark curtains. A basketball is visible in mid-air near the hoop.

Servicios de inscripción

Ofrecemos un proceso fácil y rápido para que los deportistas se inscriban al club.

Registro de jugadores

Inscripción sencilla y rápida para nuevos integrantes del equipo de baloncesto.

A collection of basketballs is tightly secured in a net, resting on a blue outdoor basketball court. Nearby, two individuals in athletic clothing are partially visible, suggesting a casual or practice environment. A concrete ledge has a clipboard with a basketball strategy diagram, a stopwatch, and a highlighter placed on it. Greenery borders one side of the court, indicating an outdoor setting.
A collection of basketballs is tightly secured in a net, resting on a blue outdoor basketball court. Nearby, two individuals in athletic clothing are partially visible, suggesting a casual or practice environment. A concrete ledge has a clipboard with a basketball strategy diagram, a stopwatch, and a highlighter placed on it. Greenery borders one side of the court, indicating an outdoor setting.
Eventos y torneos

Participa en nuestros eventos y torneos para demostrar tu talento en baloncesto.

Entrenamientos personalizados para mejorar tus habilidades en el baloncesto de manera efectiva.

Entrenamientos especializados

Galería Halcones

Descubre momentos inolvidables de nuestros jugadores y eventos.

A basketball court with a hoop at the center is set against a backdrop of a sports field and trees. The court has a blue and orange surface, and it is surrounded by green metal fencing. The trees are bare, suggesting a winter or early spring setting under a clear blue sky.
A basketball court with a hoop at the center is set against a backdrop of a sports field and trees. The court has a blue and orange surface, and it is surrounded by green metal fencing. The trees are bare, suggesting a winter or early spring setting under a clear blue sky.

Opiniones Clientes

Descubre lo que dicen nuestros deportistas sobre el club de baloncesto.

Me encanta el club, me siento parte de una gran familia deportiva aquí.

Juan Pérez
A basketball and a pair of black sports shoes are placed on an outdoor basketball court. A basketball hoop with a backboard is visible in the background, and the court is surrounded by trees and some buildings under a clear blue sky.
A basketball and a pair of black sports shoes are placed on an outdoor basketball court. A basketball hoop with a backboard is visible in the background, and the court is surrounded by trees and some buildings under a clear blue sky.

Vereda Cabildo

El club de baloncesto Halcones ha sido una gran experiencia para mí y mis amigos. La inscripción fue fácil y el ambiente es increíble.

A group of young basketball players are actively playing on an indoor court. The court is surrounded by a roofed structure with several spectators watching the game from the sidelines. The players are wearing team jerseys, and one of them is in the middle of dribbling the basketball. A mix of natural and artificial light illuminates the area, and a basketball hoop is visible in the background.
A group of young basketball players are actively playing on an indoor court. The court is surrounded by a roofed structure with several spectators watching the game from the sidelines. The players are wearing team jerseys, and one of them is in the middle of dribbling the basketball. A mix of natural and artificial light illuminates the area, and a basketball hoop is visible in the background.
María López

